Friday, January 3, 2020

Pedals for the metal?

It has been almost 1 year since I started guitar. I have been learning on my own from youtube and tab sites. My current equipment is a cheap epiphone and randall amp and I recently added a noise gate. I wanted to start out low end and work up as my skill catches up. I am at the point now I am feeling the limitations of my (perhaps lack of) equipment.

My current issue is that my sound comes through soft and sort of hollow compared to the tracks. Especially on my lowest three strings. It sounds fine when I practice softer music but metal has that strong grind noise that I just can’t get to come through fully no matter how far the overdrive/gain is cranked up on my amp.

Also while I am asking noob questions, the guitar store guy told me if I mostly play in D tuning I should get some thicker strings. I was already in for a dumb reason so I didn’t ask more, and now I don’t know what strings he was talking about.

If anyone has some suggestions or even point me to a legit resource guide for expanding my tools that would be nice. The internet searches are overwhelming. Some articles list 5 pedals, some say you need 10. The videos where people show their setups, it seems everyone does it differently.

If I need to get a more expensive guitar to improve the sound quality that’s also doable but I want to make sure I first have all the necessary basic equipment.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/_flatmouse_
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* This article was originally published here

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* This article was originally published here