Tuesday, April 14, 2020

improve hand/finger spread

Hey, fellow guitar fanatics!

Background: I‘ve been playing guitar for a while and have noticed that I don‘t generally have the best „spread width“ between my fingers (I don‘t have the biggest hands anyway, for that matter; they‘re not particularly tiny, but certainly not the biggest in the game when compared to some other players). I notice this problem especially concerning the ring finger (or between the middle and the ring finger, to be precise; I can‘t even do the famous Vulcan salute properly), to some extent also concerning the pinky. On top of that, using those fingers independently also feels rather messy. I know that these are somewhat common problems plaguing a fair amount of players, and I have done my research concerning the anatomy of the hand, coming to the conclusion that I have pretty tight or short „Connexus intertendinei“ (tendons that are linking the fingers).

My question: What are your recommendations to really improve spread (and dexterity to top it off)? Stretches, finger / guitar exercises (I already know the basic ones( spider, playing scales etc.)),...

I would be greatly appreciative of any feedback on that!

Cheers and stay safe!

submitted by /u/TheScenatic
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* This article was originally published here

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Play a Slow Blues by Yourself / P90s work amazing for this!

* This article was originally published here