Friday, July 31, 2020

What does a boost pedal actually do?

I’ve recently have gotten into pedals after 2 years of playing. Before I’d only use one pedal for my guitar playing i.e a distortion or overdrive.

However, I’ve started to become more interested in using multiple at a time as I’m aiming to get a sort of John Frusciante type of tone and I’ve heard that the MXR micro amp is a pedal that can really help.

Anyways down to my question. What does the MXR micro amp do? And what do boost pedals do in general? I’ve heard they increase the gain of the signal that my guitar produces but what does that mean? How does it affect my guitar tone and/or sound?

Thank you in advance

submitted by /u/MmHD-1080p
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* This article was originally published here

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