Thursday, November 19, 2020

Advice for fixing the way I play?

Hey all, I’ve been playing guitar for about 12 years mainly as a hobby. Lately I’ve been writing a lot of really cool stuff but my mind is way ahead of my hands. With some of the things I’m trying to do I’ve realized that my positioning is horrible and it’s become very hard to break my habits when I play. One of my biggest issues has been angling my wrist towards the body of the guitar/ground when playing on the 6th string. This is especially true when I try playing any notes towards the head of the guitar on the 6th string. I think this may be a result of playing with a capo more often than not.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone had any tips or exercises for someone who isn’t new to guitar, but would like to fix bad habits?

submitted by /u/jtscheese
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* This article was originally published here

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