Saturday, January 9, 2021

Cant play solo because of ONE note


I'am currently learning the "Fear of the Dark" Solo by Iron Maiden.

I can play every part of the solo following the song, except of the start of the first small shredding part with hammer ons an pull offs.

I do the bend on 17 fret and after like 3 notes, there is just a blockade in my head and I cant play any further at this point.

I can play the whole part completly fine, without the song and also isolated perfectly.

But as soon as I try to play along the song, there is a barrier saying "nope" that i cant seem to cross.

I managed to play the solo correct along with the song a few times only.

submitted by /u/PrinceKebabJR
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* This article was originally published here

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* This article was originally published here